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Welsh Harlequin Ducks

These beauties are known for their dark beaks, friendly personality and ability NOT to fly. They are a small duck but lay very consistently.

Ducklings Straight Run $15 Each

Hatching Eggs $30 for 12

$15 for 6


We currently have a "fun" pen of silkies which includes black, mauve, paint, and buff. We will be splitting them up by colors come spring by for now chicks will be a mix.

We hatch silkies to order so make sure to reach out if you would like a few!

Silkie Chicks Straight Run $15

Chickens Barnyard Mix

We have a fun mix of all different chickens which gives us colorful eggs, but no eggs are purebred. Our rooster is an Easter Egger and our hens are everything possible.

Chicks Straight Run $5 Each

Hatching Eggs $20 for 12



Poult Straight Run $20 each



We hatch by request only and a 50% deposit is required up front. We do occasionaly have extras during a hatch so will post that on our facebook page and group when we do.

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